Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hayden's Field Trip to the Fair

The second grade class had a field trip to the fair where they had to do different educational stations and got to see what they wanted in their free time. Here is Hayden checking out the horses.

This was one of his favorite parts. Riding in a wagon pulled by horses.

The fire safety station. They actually had a little mini trailer home filled with fake smoke for the kids to crawl through.

Farmers market stand. Hayden tried purple carrot, which taste just like regular carrots. We learned quite a bit about how to harvest beans, and make them into seeds. You just leave them in the pod and stop watering them. When they are all dried up and brown you can pick the pods and keep the beans in a cool dry place for next year.

Checking out the baby pigs. It was a fun little trip he had a real good time.

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