Monday, June 17, 2013

2012 Moments from Phone Camera

Harper playing her piano. Approximately 9 months old.
 Bath time is usually not her favorite, but she was happy this day.

 Coy and Wyatt at the Hayden's soccer practice climbing trees.
 Grady entertaining himself at Hayden's soccer practice.
 Harper after a long day at church. I forgot to take a picture of her before we left and she was so mad at me for not just laying her down for a nap.

 She was concentrating so hard here I couldn't resist. Such a beautiful face.

 Grady entertaining himself at Coy's soccer practice.

 Grady being silly.
 Visiting Great Grandpa Reitze
 Beautiful rainbow I came across one morning.

 Hayden's really thoughtful note to Harper. He made it in school and it still hangs on her door.
 Sleeping Harper. The only sleeping picture I have of her. She is a super light sleeper.

 Sportin the Eagles.

Hayden's 1/2 Birthday

 Last year we tried out the 1/2 birthday plan with Hayden and it worked out so well I think we are going to do it every year. Last Christmas season it was so nice to not have to worry about a birthday party on top of everything else.
 First they all ate snacks then played this game where they have boxes tied to their backs and every one tries to put balls in eachother's boxes and the person with the least amount of balls wins.

 Then they had some free play time on the playground/trampoline. Then we played bingo.
 Hayden certainly has a lot to be thankful this year as he got money, toys, and app store gift cards.
 Over all it went so well, everyone left happy. Including the Birthday boy.
 Happy Birthday Hayden I can't believe in 6 months you are going to be in double digits.
 You are so fun to have around, so smart, handsome, and sweet. We love you so much.

Santa's Village

 It was the perfect day for Santa's Village a couple of Saturday's ago. We really had such a great time. Riding the rides and finding the Els's with the Elfabet game.
 Harper didn't quite know what to think but she was good the whole time until she finally passed out at about 4:00.
 One of the favorite rides. It's a mini Tower of Terror type where it takes you to the top, only about 20 feet, and drops you and slings you back up again.
 Reindeer! They were beautiful but this one had the most amazing rack I have ever seen.

 Are you kidding me look how big my boys are getting. So bitter sweet.

 Sometimes with 4 kids you set out to do something and it does not go as planned or they are just not as impressed as you thought it would be and it's a bit of a let down as a parent. Not this time. We had a perfect day and the kids were all so good and happy. I am so lucky.

Where's my phone?

Fortunately it wasn't hard to find my phone this time as it had quite the large audience. Sooo funny. Kid's and their electronics.

Coy's Baseball Game

 Coy is the only one in white pants ready and waiting for the ball.
 Harper enjoying the game.

Coy up to bat, he enjoys baseball but it's not his favorite. I'm not sure if he'll stick with it but it's fun for now. He looks so handsome out there in his uniform. Such a good little sport. We love him so much.