Monday, June 17, 2013

Hayden's 1/2 Birthday

 Last year we tried out the 1/2 birthday plan with Hayden and it worked out so well I think we are going to do it every year. Last Christmas season it was so nice to not have to worry about a birthday party on top of everything else.
 First they all ate snacks then played this game where they have boxes tied to their backs and every one tries to put balls in eachother's boxes and the person with the least amount of balls wins.

 Then they had some free play time on the playground/trampoline. Then we played bingo.
 Hayden certainly has a lot to be thankful this year as he got money, toys, and app store gift cards.
 Over all it went so well, everyone left happy. Including the Birthday boy.
 Happy Birthday Hayden I can't believe in 6 months you are going to be in double digits.
 You are so fun to have around, so smart, handsome, and sweet. We love you so much.

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