Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Coy wanted to do basketball this year and since we would all have to go I forced Hayden to try it.
This may sound harsh but if you know Hayden you know this is how he works. He has to be pushed and then he loves it and loves you for pushing him at the beginning. Well by the end of the season they both loved it.
They both improved a lot through the season too. The coach they had was really good with kids.
Coy also thought it was fun to give me a heart attack and jump off the highest part of the bleachers behind him in this picture with no fear at all.
The last couple of weeks Coy started controlling his dribbling more and made a couple of baskets. Hayden who was always more careful with his dribbling became faster and was making 3-5 baskets per practice. I thought he was one of the best out there.
Grady did really well playing with other little friends and watching his brothers.

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