Friday, February 27, 2009

Grady Talking and Walking

So Grady is now a walking boy. He started takeing his first steps about a month ago and hardly crawls at all any more. He also says 4 words. Mama, Dada, Thank you, and Boo. He is at such a fun age. We are celebrating his birthday this Sunday although he turned one on Wednesday. I love this age. Click here so see Grady's walking. Click here to see him say Thank You.

Finally Some Wet Snow

We have been waiting all winter for Snowman snow. It's been so cold this winter all the snow has been powder. You couldn't make a snow ball the size of a golf ball. Finally last week we got the wettest big snow storm. Perfect for for snowmen. The kids got more into it this year than last. A couple more years they probably will be able to do one all by themselves. Although making snowmen is one of my favorite things to do in the winter so I probably won't let them, or we will make two.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

2 Husbands?

A couple of nights ago Hayden came out with this- "Mommy I love you so much. I wish I was an adult right now and you could be my wife." I was humored and honored. Travis and I explained that I was already Daddy's wife but he could marry someone like Mommy. He seamed satisfied with this. Hopefully it works out because he's just like his Dad so it would work, because Trav and I are happy. Oh I just pray they will make smart choices and look beyond the shell when that time comes. Right now I need to focus on something a little more pertinent to now, like my girlfriend informed that she picked up some extra Kindergarten Registration papers and would bring them over to me. My heart stopped, it's really happening, my baby is starting school. It's the most bitter sweet thing I have experienced yet as a mother. I still remember being up with him all night long the first week he was home because he was so jaundice he had to be under a light bed all the time. Or the times I almost broke down when they pricked his little heal to test his blood every day during that week. Oh the memory list could go on forever. Here we go creating more great and wonderful, happy and sad.


We finally had a warm enough day to go sledding. Our average temperature this year has been colder than Alaska. Leaves me grateful for anything 20 degrees or higher. The kids had fun playing in the snow and Grady lasted and hour. I thought that was pretty good for my little guy.I had to get a picture of him in his Eagles hat although you'll notice it's not the one he is wearing in the other pictures, it's because he hates it. It took him a while to pull it off but eventually he was successful. Cute as it is I guess it's not meant to be. I think Hayden got a bigger kick out of making couches and chairs than sledding, but we were there for them so whatever makes him happy. They are sitting on their new living room set in the bottom left corner. It was a good day and tuckered us all right out.