Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 7 Shanghai The Bazaar

 The last day we had free time to explore this amazing outside shopping area, before we had to meet for dinner and go to a show that closed out trip perfectly.
 This was and amazing experience and is highly recommended by both me and Travis. We miss China a lot and loved it there.
 These were everywhere, either hilarious or highly offensive depending on your political view.

 We hope we get to see China again some day and maybe even bring the kids.

1 comment:

Jessie Eyre said...

Yay!!! I keep checking in to see more updates! Glad to see more! Hope you're feeling well and that Grady's first day of gymnastics went well!! I got your message but haven't had one second alone to call you! I'll call you soon, though! I'm so sorry! Things are crazy nuts here! :)