Tuesday, March 27, 2012

4 Month Old Harper

 I can't believe she is already 4 months, but she is as of March 9th. If this were Hayden she would start eating food, but they changed that now and it's not until they are 6 months. She is such a happy girl. Smiley all the time and in a great schedule of a morning and afternoon nap.
 She loved her bed, she has a really hard time falling asleep when someone is holding her. She just likes to be layed down and suck her thumb. She is grabbing toys now and notices the her paper mobile that Hayden made for her. That will have to come down as soon as she can reach to grab it.
We are enjoying her so much. She is such a smart pretty girl and couldn't be more loved. Click here to see 4 month Harper in action.

Gentian Violet

 Harper had thrush for months. It was so frustrating the Nistatin was NOT working. Finally my friend told me about Gentian Violet, with fair warning that it make her mouth bright purple and stains everything.
I found it online, shipping and everything was only $10.00. After months of Nistatin I was so excited that in 2 Days it was going. It's been about 2 weeks now and it's still gone. So glad that her mouth is healed and that she can't keep passing it to me.

Pokemon Display

 Hayden is obsessed with Pokemon cards. He saves his money and spends it all on them. He doesn't leave the house without them and can spend hours looking at them and organizing them in different way in his binder.
 After basketball I came up stairs to find him starting this project. I thought it a creative way to spend some and better than the TV I let him proceed. As he kept going I realized just how cool this was actually going to look.
 Here are all his cards, some are laying down because the floor panels were extra tight there and he couldn't get his card to stand up in it. He was so proud of it. I let him keep it up for a couple of hours.

Grabbing Toys

I looked over the other day when Harper was in her bouncer and I was getting computer stuff done and noticed she was grabbing her toy. I was so excited I called my mom, took a picture, and bought some car seat toys the next time I was in the store. She is getting so big.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Birthday Party

 Grady was invited to his friend Madison's birthday and the mom had the best idea. The each had their own canvas.
 It was so cute,they were all masterpieces. Grady's hangs in his room.

Beautiful Harper

 Something about them when their baby's. So cute and cuddly and perfect.
 I just can't get enough.

 One of my favorite Sunday outfits yet. She is just gorgeous.

Pinewood Derby

I'm in charge of the Cub Scout program in our ward and I couldn't be happier with our boys. They were such good sports during our little Pinewood Derby. Branson (2nd from the right) came in first, Myles (black shirt on the right) came in second, Tristen (2nd from the left) came in third and Hayden on the left came in last. Not for lack of effort we put a lot of work into his car. The little boy in the corner is Tannon, a cub scout to be.

I was so impressed with Hayden, He said Mommy even though I came in last I don't care I still had a great time. I was a proud momma, and told him so. That made me more happy than any first place certificate. Such a great boy.


 Hayden getting tired at the end of his game.
 They love basketball, it's Hayden's favorite sport of the year.

 Coy's favorite it soccer but he still loves basketball and gets so excited to got play.
 Coy boxing out.
They both imroved, got a few baskets and had a great time this year. We are so proud.

Harper Moments

 I tried to choose so I wouldn't have to post so many pictures, but then I though why when all of them all soooo cute.
 We were just enjoying the day at Grandmas and Papas.
 And she was being her adorable baby self.
 She brings such joy to our home.
We all love her so much our Pretty Princess.

Little Monkey Turns 4

 February 25th my baby turned 4. My best friend Megan came to visit over February break so we made sure to celebrate his birthday while they were here.
 To make life easier we did the party at Sam's, they have gluten free pizza, so it's a great choice for our family. Grady was so excited for his birthday. He has been talking about his birthday for months.
 Grandma Ree Ree and Papa got Grady a sled just like Hayden's he was so happy and so was mom because all three boys covet Hayden's fast sled when sledding.
 He is such a lovey snugly boy. He is a a sweet little stinker that we love and adore.
 He has a mind of his own that will serve him well in later years.

 He was pretty impressed with is new sandals from Grandma Sue.
 When we went to China we got one of these candles for each of the kids. They get such a kick out of it. You light a middle candle which lights up like a sparkler and then lights the petals and starts singing as the flower opens.

 Grady loves Power Rangers and he wanted a purple one (although it shows blue here). We had a great little party and Grady was happy which is all that matters to me. I was so happy to be able to share it with our friends and Grandma Ree Ree and Papa. We love Grady so much and can't believe he is already 4. He is so smart and loving and funny. He is our Grady Monkey, Happy Birthday Bugga Boo.