Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

So it was my birthday 2 days ago now and it was the best birthday I have had in years. I had no expectation and honestly forgot it was even my birhtday numerous times that day. But I couldn't forget for long. Since it was on Sunday and my birthday was annouced in the program I got a new birthday greeting every 15 minutes. My gifts were great and my friends and family's love was even betther. Thanks everyone for thinking of me. I love you all. I can only hope to be as blessed in my 27th year as I was in my 26th.


Nurse Heidi said...

Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY! As you may have noticed from my blog, we have a lot of November birthdays in our family too. Nice people are born in the fall :).

Megan and Sean said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! MN-that was from Trew!

briannepatrick said...

Happy Birthday a few days late :)